WordPress › WP Mobile Detect « WordPress Plugins

- [phone]Put content here that you only want displayed on Phones NOT Tablets or Desktops[/phone](Phonesだけ表示、TabletsとDesktopsは非表示)
- [tablet]Put content here that you only want displayed on Tablets NOT Phones or Desktops[/tablet](Tabletsだけ表示、PhonesとDesktopsは非表示)
- [device]Put content here that you only want displayed on Phones OR Tablets NOT Desktops[/device](PhonesとTabletsだけ表示、Desktopsは非表示)
- [notphone]Put content here that you only want displayed on Tablets OR Desktops NOT Phones[/notphone](TabletsとDesktopsだけ表示、Phonesは非表示)
- [nottab]Put content here that you only want displayed on Phones OR Desktops NOT Tablets[/nottab](PhonesとDesktopsだけ表示、Tabletsは非表示)
- [notdevice]Put content here that you only want displayed on Desktops NOT Phones OR Tablets[/notdevice](Desktopsだけ表示、PhonesとTabletsは非表示)
- [ios]Put content here that you only want displayed on iOS devices[/ios](iOS deviceだけ表示、他は非表示)
- [iPhone]Put content here, that you only want displayed on iPhones[/iPhone](iPhoneだけ表示、他は非表示)
- [iPad]Put content here, that you only want displayed on iPads[/iPad](iPadだけ表示、他は非表示)
- [android]Put content here, that you only want displayed on Android devices[/android](Android deviceだけ表示、他は非表示)
- [windowsmobile]Put content here, that you only want displayed on Windows Mobile devices[/windowsmobile](Windows Mobile deviceだけ表示、他は非表示)
<?php if ( function_exists('wpmd_is_device') && wpmd_is_device() ) :?> スマートフォンとタブレット用コンテンツ <?php else: ?> それ以外のコンテンツ <?php endif; ?>
さて、フィーチャーフォンに対応するにはktai styleのベータバージョンを使います。ただしこのショートコードとの入れ子はできません。